News & Events
The Lost Stones of Strath Tay: Community Excavation of Prehistoric Rock Art
Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust is developing a project to excavate prehistoric rock art in Strath Tay.
ALGAO Scotland: Role of Archaeological Services to Local Authorities in Scotland
The new ALGAO guidelines for Local Authority Archaeological Services in Scotland, drafted by our Historic Environment Manager Sophie Nicol, is now available.
Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust 2023-24 Annual Report Published
The Trust's 2023-24 Annual Report is now available to read.
Architectural Conservation CPD 2024 Programme
Our Architectural Conservation CPD Programme is back for 2024. Student discounts and block booking available!
Architectural Conservation CPD 2024: Gilding Masterclass!
Join us for our first Architectural Conservation CPD event of 2024!
Three Forts on the Tay Book Launch
Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust recently celebrated the launch of our latest publication with contributors, archaeologists and volunteers.
Traditional Building Skills Roadshow Evaluation Report
Read the report on last year's Traditional Building Skills Roadshow from Perth City Heritage Fund.
Trust Publishes New Annual Report
The PKHT 2022-23 Annual Report is now available to read
New Mosaic for West Mill Street
With help from local young people, a new mosaic has been laid on West Mill Street (Perth) to replace a damaged 30 year old piece.
Busy Mill for Community Open Day
On Saturday 25th February 2023 we opened the doors of Lower City Mills to welcome the local community. Visitors were treated to exclusive new architect's renders of what the building may look like after the project is complete, as well as the chance to see our magnificent waterwheel turning!
The Big Place Conversation – Notice From Perth and Kinross Council
Perth and Kinross Council would like to invite members of the public to the Big Place Conversation. Read more about it here or go to their website.
Architectural Conservation CPD 2021 Recordings Made Available
The six 2021 Architectural Conservation CPD sessions have now been made available to the public on the PKHT YouTube channel.
Trust Publishes New Strategic Plan
Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust has published its latest Strategic Plan, covering the period 2023-2027.
PKHT Runs Successful Roadshow
On 28th and 29th September our first post-pandemic Traditional Skills Roadshow got almost 100 students from two schools engaged in traditional building trades!
Doors Open Days 2022
Doors Open Days is over for another year. We've had an absolute blast. Thank you all for coming!
PKHT joins SPAB Scotland to support start of conservation works at Finzean Watermills
PKHT's milling officer, Ciarán Quigley, joins up with SPAB Scotland to host a 3 day working party at Finzean's unique collection of water-powered sawmills & tuning mills this September.
Traditional Building Skills Roadshow 2022 to visit students at Perth Schools
Over two days this Autumn, the 28 & 29th of September, we will be bringing traditional skills demonstrations and taster sessions to students of two secondary schools in Perth - Perth Grammar and St John's Academy.
Recognition Ceremony at the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute
On 12th August 2022 PKHT staff and trustees were pleased to attend the recognition ceremony of the refurbished clock at the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute, Scone. PKHT had awarded the RDMI nearly £3000 for the work from the Community Heritage Grant fund
Milling Matters Conference Success!
On the weekend of 7-8 May (National Mills Weekend), Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust and SPAB Scotland hosted Milling Matters, the first national mills conference. We're thrilled to say that the weekend was enjoyed immensely by all, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our staff, volunteers, speakers and discussion hosts.
Traditional Buildings Health Check: Pilot Scheme
Traditional Buildings Health Check is a scheme aimed at helping owners of traditional buildings undertake proactive maintenance. It has been run successfully in Stirling by Stirling City Heritage Trust since 2013, and now the funders, Historic Environment Scotland, are looking to widen the area. A small pilot scheme began in Perth City in February 2022.
The first draft chapters of PKARF are now available for consultation! Can you help?
We are excited to announce that drafts of PKARF's Mesolithic and Neolithic chapters have entered the final phase of production and are now available for wider consultation. We would like your feedback- can you help?
New Book Release: Hillforts of the Tay
We are delighted to announce the release of our latest publication on the spectacular prehistoric archaeology of Perth and Kinross.
PKHT Have Relocated!
We're delighted to announce that as of 21 October 2019, we have relocated our office.
Mindful to Maintain
Great turn out for Perth’s second Property Repair Seminar.
Funding for Perth City Heritage Fund Phase 3 Confirmed
The Trust has launched its third phase of the Perth City Heritage Fund bringing £750,000 of Scottish Government investment to Perth to assist with conserving and repairing historic buildings.
Standing room only at Perth’s first Property Repair Seminar
Perth’s first ever property repair seminar was held in May 2018. Immensely successful, it was hosted by Perth Solicitor’s Property Centre, packing out the the ball room of the Royal George Hotel with homeowners, prospective homeowners, Solicitors, architects, estate agents and surveyors from across Perth and Kinross.
Final PKHT Historic Building’s Grant Presented
The Church of St Stephen’s has become the final recipient of financial assistance through the Trust's Historic Building Grants Scheme which will be used to finance the extensive roof repairs needed.
Evidence of Early Historic Metal Working Found at King’s Seat, Dunkeld!
This September marked the first season of excavations in an exciting three year project investigating the hillfort of King’s Seat, above Dunkeld. Over 70 volunteers and local school pupils joined Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust, Dunkeld and Birnam Historical Society and professional archaeologists from AOC Archaeology Ltd to unearth an impressive assemblage of early historic metalworking artefacts and possible slingshot ammunition.
Flying the Flag for Traditional Building Skills!
The Trust was proud to attend the Fife and Tayside Traditional Buildings Forum reception at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh this month to showcase our Traditional Building Skills Projects and the training opportunities these offered.
New Strategic Plan for PKHT
We're excited to announce the release of our new strategic plan which sets out our vision, values and priorities for the next 5 years.
Perth Traditional Building Skills Event Success!
Working in close partnership with the Fife and Tayside Traditional Buildings Forum, we held our second two-day Traditional Buildings Skills event on King Edward Street in Perth to raise awareness of Scotland’s fantastic traditional buildings and the specialist skills needed to maintain them.
Perth City Heritage Fund Supported Commemorative Plaque Unveiled
The Trust have been pleased to help the Black Watch Association commemorate the former site of the Queen’s Barracks with a small grant from the Perth City Heritage Fund.
Gleaming new Trident for Old Academy Britannia Statue
We’re delighted to announce that the trident of the Britannia statue atop the Old Academy in Rose Street, Perth has been reinstated thanks to financial support through the Perth City Heritage Fund.
Silver Award for Perth City Heritage Fund Project!
The Trust is delighted to have received a silver award in Perth and Kinross Council’s Securing the Future Awards 2016 in the Improving Services Through Partnership Category for the project Repairing Our Historic Tenements.