Recognition Ceremony at the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute
On 12th August 2022 Trust staff and trustees were pleased to attend the recognition ceremony of the refurbished clock at the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute, Scone. The Institute had been awarded almost £3000 by the Trust’s Community Heritage Grant Fund, which has been established to support community projects that conserve or enhance the historic environment within Perth and Kinross.
Thanks to the grant, the clock, believed to have been last serviced in 1929, received some well-needed TLC in July. Specialist contractors H E Weir and Son travelled from Edinburgh to get the clock looking tip-top and in working condition once again for the community to enjoy.
The recognition ceremony on Friday was attended by the Trust as well as staff and trustees of the Robert Douglas Memorial Institute, members of the local community, and a reporter from The Courier. As well as the presentation of a cheque, the event included speeches from the Chair of the RDMI Trust (a descendant of Robert Douglas) and Community Heritage Grant manager Sara Carruthers and a raffle. A great time was had by all!