Tay Landscape Partnership Scheme

The Tay Landscape Partnership (TayLP) was a £2.6 million initiative, led by Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust and Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust, and principally supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund with contributions from a suite of other funders. The partnership was initiated to deliver shared objectives within the inner Tay estuary and to celebrate the landscape’s unique heritage value and improve both physical and intellectual access to this heritage.

TayLP began in March 2014 with 28 natural, built and cultural heritage projects to deliver, and over four years engaged over 82,000 people through a series of activities, events, workshops, festivals, school activities and presentations.

The Partnership activities, both nature and heritage related, are all recorded in detail on the TayLP website. Head over to explore virtual hillfort reconstructions, learn about the site of ancient Scottish royalty, read local folktales, explore place-names, watch informative videos about swifts and beavers…and more!

Go to TayLP Website

Legacy and Outcomes
Inspiring Bursary Awards
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